Emily Pomernackas: Fresh to A.L. but not to the courts

Grace Schoening, Reporter

This week’s Lynx of the Week is freshman baller, Emily Pomernackas. The first year Lincoln student is involved in the girl’s basketball team, FCA, and plans to exercise her athletic ability on the girl’s soccer team as well later this Spring.

Pomernackas explains the highlights of her high school experience so far, as well as the benefits of switching from the middle to high school sports.

“Basketball has probably been the most exciting thing so far,” Pomernackas said. “Participating in sports in high school has been better but it’s also a bigger commitment and longer seasons.”

Unlike participating in basketball at Kirn Middle School, Pomernackas is now able to play alongside her senior sister, Alexis Pomernackas.

Although some may expect sibling teammates to be an opportunity for fighting and bickering to occur, Pomernackas describes the positive dynamic the two share on the court.

“I enjoy playing basketball with my sister because we get along pretty well,” Pomernackas said. “We play pretty well together so that’s good.”

Along with her sister, Pomernackas explained some other people that support her academically and athletically.

“My parents, siblings and some coaches and teachers help motivate me,” Pomernackas said.

Although athletics are important, Pomernackas also values her academic career and explained her plans to handle both in the future.

“I wanna take CE classes and participate in sports all four years and balance all of that,” Pomernackas said. “I want to be able to take that into college and also be able to balance that in college.”