Guardian of the Journalism Staff: Volume 2


Photo submitted by Grace Schoening

Grace Schoening (Junior, Co-editor in Chief)


What makes you, you?

My involvement in activities has really shaped who I am at AL. I’m in newspaper, cross country, student council, and show choir. The people I’m surrounded by. I feel like my values, make me, me. I value work ethic, empathy, and inclusivity. 



What has been your favorite story to write about? Why?

My favorite story ever was about climate change, because it was a news story. I interviewed Matt Serwe and a UNO professor. I got to write stories about the 2020 election. I got to go to some cool events. I saw Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Kamala Harris, last year.



What do you do to help others?

In terms of newspaper, I look over other stories, make sure it’s in the right format, ask questions, leave suggestions. In everyday life, I volunteer at the hospital and help out around the house. I try to be a helpful person in my family.



Are there any stories that you would like to work on in the future?

I really like stories involving politics. I like news stories that aren’t necessarily relevant in the school, that are global.



What do you like to do other than newspaper?

I really like show choir, student council, cross country. I like to run year-round, I also play piano, I really like music.