Aubrey Stark strives for a more positive world

Photo submitted by Aubrey Stark
A student that influences her peers to achieve more takes the spotlight in this week’s Lynx of the Week. Sophomore Aubrey Stark ensures that it is imperative to stay involved to maintain a successful high school experience by explaining her choices.
“Currently at AL I am involved in the dance team and was just announced as one of the captains for next season,” Stark said. “I am also involved in the marching band and concert band, I am on the girls golf team, I am a sophomore delegate in student council, and just got accepted into RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) as one of the two students selected from AL.”
But what is significant about her decisions is including the things she enjoys in her daily life.
“I chose to get involved in these things because I have always wanted to get involved in a lot of things and I also wanted to continue the things that I have loved to do when coming to high school.”
Stark continues to impart her empathy within others as she pursues her high school involvement.
“My goals for the rest of my high school experience are to always continue to be there for everyone,” Stark said. “I want to make a positive impact on all of my classmates and fellow students at AL. I also want to continue to stay involved and continue to get involved in more because I have had some of the best experiences from high school because of what I do.”
Stark always strives to guide others even outside of school which is precisely why she is a perfect candidate for Lynx of the Week.
“The impact I hope to have on society after I graduate is to make everyone feel safe as they are,” Stark said. “I want everyone to love who they are and not be scared to voice their opinion and feel heard. I only want love to be spread around the world and eliminate hate.”
As Stark continues to persevere, she persuades others to do the same as well.
“If you are a student struggling with the motivation to get involved, my recommendations are to continue trying your best,” Stark said. “Getting involved in school activities has been the thing that has made high school so much more fun for me. Keep looking out for opportunities to get involved and take as many opportunities as you can because you never know how much getting involved can change your life.”

Ella is a junior at ALHS and this is her third year on staff. She is also a freshman at IWCC through the ECA program where she is earning her Associate’s...