Aubree Poppino presents positive outlook amidst busy schedule

While upholding her musical career at Abraham Lincoln, junior Aubree Poppino continues to be a prestigious role model for her peers. Maintaining multiple divisions of band including concert, jazz, marching, and multiple honor bands, Poppino participates in other extracurriculars as well. Poppino takes part in show choir, is student body treasurer for student council as well as a part of the spirit and pride committee, and engages in individual and large group speech.
Extracurricular activities play an important role in a student’s high school experience, which is something Poppino encourages.
“I think it’s super important to stay involved,” Poppino said. “I found many friends and much happiness through my extracurriculars and would recommend to everyone to find at least one thing outside of your basic classes to participate in. Staying involved allows me to stay on top of my interests and my social life.”
However, taking part in extracurricular activities, especially so many, necessitates major time management abilities. Poppino keeps track of her hectic schedule by using a calendar and keeping track of her daily activities and events. If two events occur at the same time, which seldom happens, Poppino determines which is more important. Poppino gets guidance from her advisors and event sponsors if she has any extra concerns.
Motivating students to participate in activities, even if it is only a single club, requires a certain degree of motivation to get started.
“Start small,” Poppino said. “My freshman year I was involved in very few things. The only thing I really did that was new to me was speech and a small music club. I still had a great freshman year even though I wasn’t as involved. I would also say to make connections with every person you can because chances are they are involved in something you want to be in and can help you become involved.”
Even if students opt out of extracurricular activities, they can still participate in school activities, which is one of Poppino’s favorite features of high school.
“I think my greatest experience has probably been one of the last football games the band played at this year,” Poppino said. “We performed that day the best we had so far in the season and it was super rewarding. Everything went super smoothly and I remember just being on cloud nine that night. I hope to get another night like that next season.”

Ella is a junior at ALHS and this is her third year on staff. She is also a freshman at IWCC through the ECA program where she is earning her Associate’s...