Advisers’ note: At the turn of the 20th century, until World War II, newspapers routinely printed fictional stories as entertainment alongside traditional news articles. With this historical precedent in mind, the Kirn Cave is proud to present this poem by Maxima De La Cruz.
The cherry blossoms are blooming, and the light blue sky is so beautiful at this time of year. But now it is darker than usual. These are years that do not feel normal – everything and anything is happening to me. The earth feels like a pit of despair. It is like nothing I’ve ever been through before. Nothing matters, nothing, not the slightest thing. And it hurts. I know it hurts for other people, too. And this is how I know I’m not alone, at least not forever. Sometimes people give me encouragement even for the smallest thing, and I thank them for that. People can be beautiful, amazing, and menders of my broken heart. I see the cherry blossoms. I am inspired. Sometimes I feel like heavy stones are pressing on me, making me spread apart like a melting ice cube. I look at the blossom tree that used to be beautiful, but now, it is just like me.