There are around 220 classes offered to students at AL. But do we offer enough classes? AL offers classes in general studies such as: Math, English, History, Science, and AP classes, but also electives ranging from Journalism, to Performing Arts, to JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps), and to many other electives we offer here.
A class we should consider offering that would help benefit students at AL is a Life Preparation class. This would be a semester class with different levels such as: “Life Prep 1, 2” and so on. This class would entail teaching students how to do taxes, how to handle insurance, budgeting, managing credit, etc. Life Prep class would be a great addition to the school because it can teach students important things they will need/help them prepare for adulthood.
Students and teachers have an opinion on classes we should offer. Like Sophomore Malak McDaniel said he wishes there is a “Fire Safety” class offered at AL. He also says, “It would allow people to get into firefighting.”
This would be a good class to offer because it would allow students to explore, and possibly get a career in firefighting. And it might help the falling number of firefighters to return to a higher number.
And Family & Consumer Science Teacher Jana Georgius said she wants a “Fashion” class, which she would teach so, “Students would be able to investigate possible careers in the fashion industry.”
Although we offer seeds of fashion, it would be a good class to offer for students to pursue careers in the fashion industry.
There is a reason we don’t offer certain classes at AL, and that lies further up the chain with the Council Bluffs Community School District.
“The classes themselves that are offered in our building have to be approved upon by the district,” assistant principal Rob Lindquist said. “It’s a lot of the time based on need, what the state says we have to have, and then what we can offer at both TJ and AL.”
AL offers a lot of great classes, so students can be educated, explore careers, and go far in the education system. But maybe students and teachers would like to see some new classes.