Experts share advice for keto dieters


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The keto diet, originated in 1924 and created by Dr. Russell Wilder at Mayo Clinic to treat epilepsy, has grabbed the attention of those wishing to lose weight. The Mayo Clinic discovered that the diet has been shown to slightly lower brain function, minimizing symptoms of those with epilepsy and similar cognitive disorders. The Ketogenic diet–or the Keto diet–is high in fats and low in carbs (sugars), and it works by causing the body to break down fat which turns into molecules called ketones. 

“Before starting keto, it is highly recommended to consult with your doctor or a licensed practitioner so you can develop a plan together and support you along the way,” said science teacher Traci Stoop. “Drinking plenty of fluids is very important to stay healthy while on keto. Eating is also a very important factor with keto. If your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs, you can go into a state of ketosis. Being in a state of ketosis means you are utilizing fats for an energy source rather than just your sugars. Intermittent fasting can cause ketosis, meaning if you haven’t eaten in 24 hours or more, your body is going to start to utilize your fat storage instead of your sugar storage.”

With every diet there are pros and cons, some of the pros include specific types of people get health benefits, you’re burning fats and carbs; but keep in mind removing all carbs from your diet can be hurtful to your body, it can improve acne and breakouts. Some cons include adjusting your body to the diet, it can have a negative effect on your heart. You won’t be getting enough sugars, calorie depletion, nutrient deficiencies, and it could cause Kidney or renal problems. Keto isn’t recommended for a long period of time, you shouldn’t do it for over a year because of the health risks it would cause.

Science teacher Kyle Gann and his girlfriends did the keto diet because they wanted to lose weight without exercising but said that he hated the experience. He had a very negative attitude going into it. He missed sweets and thought the meal planning and cooking were very laborsome.

“My girlfriend, however, was the source of positivity when it came to the diet, and she got more excited when it came to the cooking and the meal planning,” Gann said. “My girlfriend went through mood swings but we didn’t do keto long enough to get those long-term effects. I was kind of grouchy but that might’ve been not having sweets or the poor attitude going into it. When it comes to recommending it to others, I would say consult a doctor since it is an individual basis but as long as it is healthy for that person they might like it. I was just unable to be successful but good for the people who did it and were successful.”

In the end, if you are interested in Keto it is extremely important that you consult with a doctor beforehand so that you can make an action plan that is right for you and your body type. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating are some key factors when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way. If you aren’t eating enough your body starts consuming your sugar energy source which is shown to be unhealthy, and stay away from doing it long term.